Freemasonry means something different to each member. For some, it’s about belonging to one of the world’s historically oldest and largest non-religious, non-political, fraternal and charitable organisations. For others it's about camaraderie, making new friends and a brotherhood that stands the test of time. But for most, Freemasonry is a way of life.
Freemasonry is composed of people of all nationalities, religions, occupations and ages. Freemasons believe in truth, tolerance, respect, equality and freedom. Anyone may petition to be a Mason so long as they meet a few requirements. Members are expected to be of high moral standing as Freemasonry offers itself as a field of enhancement to your self-knowledge, service to humanity, and to understanding the Brotherhood of Man through participation in a progression of degree ceremonies. Freemasons believe in “making good men better” which implies that its adherents should seek continual improvement and growth. Freemasonry stresses the importance of learning about self, for by becoming a more enlightened and principled individual it is most probable that a person will in turn be a contributing citizen to society. It is important that a Mason be a good family member, friend, neighbor and employee. Freemasons believe in living a life of positive contribution and to the building up of self, society and the world. Masonry is not a substitute for a person's chosen faith but rather supplements faith, spirituality, life and living. |